.. index:: pair: Django ; Python pair: Django ; Girls .. _installation_django: ============================================= Installation du framework Python Django ============================================= .. seealso:: - https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/intro/tutorial01/ Au préalable ============ Se placer dans :ref:`l'environnement virtuel voulu `. Django girls ============ .. seealso:: - https://twitter.com/djangogirls - https://djangogirls.org/ .. figure:: django_girls.png :align: center Django Girls is a non-profit organization and a community that empowers and helps women to organize free, one-day programming workshops by providing tools, resources and support. We are a volunteer run organization with hundreds of people contributing to bring more amazing women into the world of technology. We are making technology more approachable by creating resources designed with empathy. During each of our events, 30-60 women build their first web application using HTML, CSS, Python and Django. Installation ============= :: pip install django Arborescence du framework Django installé ========================================== Comme tous les modules Python, le framework django se trouve sous le répertoire :file:`Lib/site_packages` de l'environnement virtuel **appli_django**. .. figure:: tree_django.png :align: center Détail des fichiers ==================== Fichier produit au moyen de la commande:: tree /a /f > django.txt .. literalinclude:: django.txt :encoding: utf-8 :linenos: